Mornin' Sunshine: Watch Out Kirk Minifans, We're Not Taking Your Shit Anymore (Plus Weather With Nick!)

Happy Thursday! We're here full of sunbeams & sparkles to help get you through the morning & to remind you it's almost the weekend, and to have a gr........ No. You know what? 


I can't pretend anymore. 

Brandon and I have had series of absolutely shit weeks & it all came to a head when we went to record yesterday. He got diarrhea after eating shrimp pasta in alfredo sauce following a 12 hour fast, and I hit my limit after brilliantly reigniting beef with a small-but-loud segment of Kirk Minifan keyboard warriors. Then Brandon also got annoyed because the only one allowed to tear me down is him, and he felt others were on his troll turf. 

Even worse, El Pres took time off counting bunnies in his yard to get involved. 

So there we were - at the end of a saga that left us in a total funk during our only hour-window to do the show. 

Dejected, I started half-heartedly scrolling & looking for some news items to put up when lo & behold... I was shown a way to fight back against the haters & dum dum faces by none other than a new video by thee party pooper herself, Caitlin Bennett. If she could own the libs with a solid crew running around with weapons to cool music, I could do the same to roast the minifans. 

And quite honestly I believe it's going to work (even if the show made no sense as a result). I mean, KB had nun-chucks. Doubt I'll be hearing from any nay-sayers from here on out. So chins up! If I can be in a good mood, so can you. It'll be Friday night before you know it. Sending good vibes to all

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